Eliminate ambiguity in Kubernetes with a tightly coupled data collection and AI tool. Predict and prevent performance issues with your applications and orchestration issues with your environments.
Sosivio is a Predictive Troubleshooting Platform for Kubernetes in the DevOps and Cloud Security space. We predict and prevent issues with cloud-based applications and services using machine learning. This could be anything from slowness on a website to crashing applications to any number of customer facing issues. These issues cause bad customer experience, lost revenue, and even substantial fines in the cases of some of our banking clients. We prevent these issues from ever occurring by catching the earliest hidden signs and offering the recommended fix before the problem materializes…
Sosivio runs as Yet-Another-Application on your Kubernetes clusters which means a non-intrusive solution that works in completely disconnected/ Air Gapped environments. Sosivio taps into signals and data from all layers of the environment (OS, Network, Kernel, K8s, Apps and more) to provide deep insights into what is going on and offers real-time actionable solutions to fix them proactively. Sosivio can be run on any Cloud Platform (AWS, GCP, Azure, AKS, EKS etc…) or in On-Premise deployments.